Testing with multi-arch Docker images

With the introduction of Docker Buildx CLI plugin it became quite easy to test various platforms using single Dockerfile without any QEMU static builds. In this tutorial we’re going to use a multistage build with the simple C++ program that tests features of various platforms.

First, we need to register QEMU handlers. Please note that the handler registration won’t survive a reboot.

$ docker run --rm --privileged docker/binfmt:a7996909642ee92942dcd6cff44b9b95f08dad64

There is no latest alias for the docker/binfmt and it’s recommended to grab the proper tag on their homepage: https://hub.docker.com/r/docker/binfmt/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated

The code to detect the platform endianness and its sizes for the basic types:

#include <iostream>

#ifndef PLATFORM
  #define PLATFORM "N/A"

void platform() {
  std::cout << "Platform: " << PLATFORM << std::endl;
  #ifdef __BYTE_ORDER__
    std::cout << "__BYTE_ORDER__\t\t= " << __BYTE_ORDER__ << " (";
    #if __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__
      std::cout << "__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__";
      std::cout << "__ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__";
      std::cout << "unknown";
    std::cout << ")" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "__BYTE_ORDER__ is undefined" << std::endl;

  #ifdef __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__
    std::cout << "__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__\t= " << __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__ << " (";
      std::cout << "__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__";
      std::cout << "__ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__";
      std::cout << "unknown";
    std::cout << ")" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__ is undefined" << std::endl;

  std::cout << "sizeof(bool)\t\t= " << sizeof(bool)
    << " (" << 8 * sizeof(bool) << " bits)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "sizeof(char)\t\t= " << sizeof(char)
    << " (" << 8 * sizeof(char) << " bits)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "sizeof(wchar_t)\t\t= " << sizeof(wchar_t)
    << " (" << 8 * sizeof(wchar_t) << " bits)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "sizeof(short)\t\t= " << sizeof(short)
    << " (" << 8 * sizeof(short) << " bits)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "sizeof(int)\t\t= " << sizeof(int)
    << " (" << 8 * sizeof(int) << " bits)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "sizeof(long)\t\t= " << sizeof(long)
    << " (" << 8 * sizeof(long) << " bits)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "sizeof(long long)\t= " << sizeof(long long)
    << " (" << 8 * sizeof(long long) << " bits)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "sizeof(float)\t\t= " << sizeof(float)
    << " (" << 8 * sizeof(float) << " bits)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "sizeof(double)\t\t= " << sizeof(double)
    << " (" << 8 * sizeof(double) << " bits)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "sizeof(void*)\t\t= " << sizeof(void*)
    << " (" << 8 * sizeof(void*) << " bits)" << std::endl;

int main() {

The Dockerfile uses multistage build to compile and run the program:

FROM alpine AS builder
RUN apk add g++
COPY platform.C .

# TARGETPLATFORM is provided by Buildx
RUN g++ "-DPLATFORM=\"$TARGETPLATFORM\"" platform.C -o platform -static

FROM alpine
COPY --from=builder /home/platform .
ENTRYPOINT ["./platform"]

buildx does support batch build, but only within the limited output options (like --push). For local testing, I’d prefer to avoid pushing, and rather build the image for the local Docker. Unfortunately, that won’t work in the batch mode, therefore some shell scripting is required.

Let’s prepare all the required files first (within some temporary directory):

$ mkdir multiarch
$ cd multiarch
$ curl -O https://gitlab.com/nuald/nuald-blogspot-com/-/raw/master/site/adoc/platform.C
$ curl -o Dockerfile https://gitlab.com/nuald/nuald-blogspot-com/-/raw/master/site/adoc/multiarch-dockerfile

Get all supported platforms by the buildx builder:

$ PLATFORMS=($(docker buildx inspect | sed -n -e 's/Platforms: \(.*\)/\1/p' | tr ',' "\n"))
$ echo ${PLATFORMS[*]}
linux/amd64 linux/386 linux/arm64 linux/riscv64 linux/ppc64le linux/s390x linux/arm/v7 linux/arm/v6

Build all images (please note that riscv64 platform is not supported by the official Alpine dockerhub):

$ for platform in ${PLATFORMS[@]}; do docker buildx build --platform $platform -o type=docker,name=multiarch/$platform .; done

The list of all official supported Docker images for alternative platforms is available in the documentation: https://github.com/docker-library/official-images#architectures-other-than-amd64

Finally, run all images (you could see that riscv64 image is not available):

$ for platform in ${PLATFORMS[@]}; do docker run -it --rm --platform $platform multiarch/$platform .; done
Platform: linux/amd64
sizeof(bool)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(char)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(wchar_t)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(short)		= 2 (16 bits)
sizeof(int)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(long)		= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(long long)	= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(float)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(double)		= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(void*)		= 8 (64 bits)
Platform: linux/386
sizeof(bool)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(char)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(wchar_t)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(short)		= 2 (16 bits)
sizeof(int)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(long)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(long long)	= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(float)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(double)		= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(void*)		= 4 (32 bits)
Platform: linux/arm64
sizeof(bool)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(char)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(wchar_t)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(short)		= 2 (16 bits)
sizeof(int)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(long)		= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(long long)	= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(float)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(double)		= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(void*)		= 8 (64 bits)
Unable to find image 'multiarch/linux/riscv64:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for multiarch/linux/riscv64, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See 'docker run --help'.
Platform: linux/ppc64le
sizeof(bool)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(char)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(wchar_t)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(short)		= 2 (16 bits)
sizeof(int)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(long)		= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(long long)	= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(float)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(double)		= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(void*)		= 8 (64 bits)
Platform: linux/s390x
sizeof(bool)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(char)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(wchar_t)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(short)		= 2 (16 bits)
sizeof(int)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(long)		= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(long long)	= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(float)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(double)		= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(void*)		= 8 (64 bits)
Platform: linux/arm/v7
sizeof(bool)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(char)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(wchar_t)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(short)		= 2 (16 bits)
sizeof(int)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(long)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(long long)	= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(float)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(double)		= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(void*)		= 4 (32 bits)
Platform: linux/arm/v6
sizeof(bool)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(char)		= 1 (8 bits)
sizeof(wchar_t)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(short)		= 2 (16 bits)
sizeof(int)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(long)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(long long)	= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(float)		= 4 (32 bits)
sizeof(double)		= 8 (64 bits)
sizeof(void*)		= 4 (32 bits)

And surely, it all could be properly automated and integrated with the required CI/CD systems.


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