
Showing posts from May, 2021

Primes generation (algorithms vs real code)

Primes is a quite useful tool and have many applications. They are an essential part of RSA cryptography, and while elliptic curve algorithms are gaining dominance nowadays, RSA is still widely used. Plus there are other applications like rolling hash functions, i.e. assigning an unique prime to each character in the required alphabet and multiplying them (and implementing rolling by dividing to the number corresponding to the previous character, and multiplying to the number corresponding to the new character). There are several algorithms (or even families of algorithms) to calculate primes, and recently I’ve stumbled upon a new one: A new explicit algorithmic method for generating the prime numbers in order . It’s been looking promising, and I’ve programmed it, but unfortunately it wasn’t fast enough as the real code. Authors compared it with sieves of Eratosthenes and Sundaram using their unified framework, and got nice results. However the implementations do not necessar...