Alexander Slesarev Calgary, AB | XXX-XXX-XXXX | | Software Engineering Technical Leader - Cisco Meraki | 2021 - present Assisting in deployment and optimization of Secure Threat Services ecosystem (Snort, Talos Intelligence integration, Click, C/C++, Lua, Go, Python, Ruby, Redis). Extend and redesign MX Security Features (AMP, STS) to work in IPv6 and mixed IPv4/IPv6 networks (Click, C/C++). Extend and redesign MX Security Features (STS, NBAR) to efficiently work on high-end MX appliances having multi-core Click (lockfree algorithms, Click, C/C++, Lua, Go, Rust). Upskilling the company employees and new hires on MX Security Features, Click configuration, cryptography (including FIPS and PCI certification) and performance optimizations. Lead Software Development Engineer - NuData Security/Mastercard | 2014 - 2021 Designed and created a codegenerator for the shared classes and enumerations (Go, Java, Ja...