
Showing posts from July, 2008

Django admin changes in SVN trunk

Recently in Django SVN trunk all admin interface changed to newforms. It doesn't have backward compatibility, so I provide some hints to upgrade existing Django applications. There are at least 3 steps for upgrading: Update to follow new admin URLs. Update admin classes. Change all newforms imports. Update to follow new admin URLs. Initially looks like: urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')), ) Now it should look like: from django.contrib import admin admin.autodiscover() urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^admin/doc/', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')), (r'^admin/(.*)',, ) Update admin classes. Initially admin classes were a part of model classes. Now they should be moved to independent classes. If a model had empty class: class Model1(models.Model): class Admin: pass Now it is enough just register a model...

Adding security features to Django projects

Security is most valuable feature of any software, and each developer should keep in mind security issues during programming. In this article I show how to restrict user's access to view, but not modify objects in Django project. It could be an equivalent of 'Readers' field in Lotus Notes/Domino application. First of all, let's set up Django . Check out Django’s main development branch (the ‘trunk’) like so: svn co django-trunk Install it: cd django-trunk sudo python install Create project, which be called 'secure_site': startproject secure_site Test the installation - start our project: cd secure_site/ chmod +x ./ runserver 9000 Open browser by URL: http://localhost:9000/ and if 'It worked!' page is shown, then go further. Create two applications - sample (for testing) and secure (for handling security information): ./ startapp sample ....